Checking young athlete for concussion and brain injury

Brain Injury Resource Page

This page serves as a resource for helping districts serving a student who has suffered a brain injury. 

Green Hills AEA provides services to students who have suffered a brain injury due to trauma, childhood cancer & subsequent treatment, infections, concussion, stroke, seizure, or non-accidental brain trauma. Services may begin with the transition back to school following an injury or illness. Other services may include onsite observation and provision of strategies to assist learning, memory, and behavior.


Iowa Concussion Management Protocol - REAP

REAP stands for Reduce/Remove, Educate, Adjust/Accommodate, Pace. It is a program developed by Karen McAvoy, PsyD as the result of a Colorado high school student athlete's death from Second Impact Syndrome (a second concussion before complete recovery from the first). It is a nationally recognized, systematic approach to concussion management for the time of injury through return to learn and play. Family team, medical team, school academic team, and school physical team roles are clearly defined. Work is currently underway for Iowa to adopt this program for concussion management.

Iowa Concussion Management Protocol - REAP

Educator Resources

General Resources

Resources are available to educators through GHAEA Medianet or through your Green Hills AEA Special Education Representative or Field Director.

Concussions & 504 Plans

For more information about 504 plans, please visit our Section 504 page.

Strategies and Interventions

Additional Supports and Resources

When Might You Consider Additional Supports and Resources?

A student may consider additional support and resources when any of the following events occur:

  • Trauma that causes either an open or closed head injury
  • Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) or stroke
  • Brain tumor or other childhood cancer
  • Infection such as encephalitis or meningitis
  • Non-accidental brain trauma 
  • A concussion that does not resolve in the expected amount of time


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