The Creston Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Red Oak Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Missouri Valley Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Early Childhood PBIS course in Avoca on Tuesday, January 21st has been canceled.

The Osceola office will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st due to extreme temperatures.

Social-Emotional & Behavioral Health (SEBH)

Resources and supports are available from Green Hills AEA for educators, families, and communities to enhance the social-emotional and behavioral health (SEBH) of students.

Click one of the links below to learn more about Green Hills AEA's social-emotional and behavioral health resources and teams.

Challenging Behavior and Autism Resource Team

Crisis Response Team

Learning Supports

Mental Health School Social Worker - Operational Sharing Program

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

School-Based Interventionist Program