The Creston Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Red Oak Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Missouri Valley Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Early Childhood PBIS course in Avoca on Tuesday, January 21st has been canceled.

The Osceola office will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st due to extreme temperatures.

Girl doing math at whiteboard


Math services provide professional learning and coaching of instructional approaches in Iowa Core mathematics, conceptual understanding, problem-based learning, and differentiated instruction for K-12 students.


Meet Your School Contact!

Accelerate Learning

Green Hills Resources

Universal Series 1

Click here or on the picture for Universal Series #1: Getting Started resources

  1. 2020-21 Getting Started: ELI Guidance & Panorama/FastBridge Set-Up

  1. Remote Screening and Progress Monitoring on FastBridge

  1. Practices for Literacy Online: Core, Interventions, and SDI

  1. Practices for Mathematics Online: Core, Intervention and SDI

Universal Series 2

Click here or on the picture for Universal Series #2: Accelerating Learning resources

Session 1: Essential grade-level content and necessary prerequisites

Session 2: Assessing unfinished learning

Session 3: Scaffolding unfinished learning through Just in time supports

Session 4: Strategies for Scaffolding in Math: Worked sample problems

Session 5: Strategies for Scaffolding in Math: Increase focus and structure with Explicit Instruction (Teacher Think Aloud) and Feedback

Session 6: Strategies for scaffolding in Math: Accessing background knowledge by focusing on structure.



Universal Supports

Through collaboration between the Iowa Department of Education and the state's AEAs, tools were developed for schools to utilize through the process of school improvement. Learn more about the universal tier tools here. For further assistance please contact the math team or school improvement team.

Instructional Practice

Specially Designed Instruction in Tier 2 & 3

Interventions by Grade Level Flow Charts

SDI Pyramid These flow charts illustrate a tiered process for math interventions by grade level.

Diagnostic Assessments

Diagnostic assessments commonly used in special education in our agency include:

  • Junior Assessment of Mathematics
  • Cognition-Based Assessments (Battista)
  • Support Ongoing Achievement Responsibly (SOAR) Surveys
  • Assessing Math Concepts

Intervention Guidance

Math intervention recommendations are based on research and “best practice”. 

Math Interventions

The math interventions most commonly used by special education in our agency include:

  • Whole Number Foundations (K)
  • Number Sense Intervention
  • Bridges Intervention
  • Do the Math
  • Support Ongoing Achievement Responsibly (SOAR)
  • Math by Example
  • Algebra by Example

Progress Monitoring

Progress monitoring refers to routine checks of learning growth (ie., rate of progress) a student demonstrates. This includes multiple types of assessments that may or may not be used as an IEP goal.