Portrait Of Two College Tutors Having Discussion Together

Curriculum & Instruction

Curriculum and instruction resources are partnered with quality professional learning opportunities to support the development and implementation of teaching practices and to improve student learning.

Assessment and Data

Career & Technical Education

Computer Science

Digital Learning

Early Childhood (Ages 3-5)

English Language Learners




Social Studies

Talented and Gifted (TAG)

Digital Learning Supports for the Classroom:

AEA Digital Resources: High-quality, vetted digital resources to support all K-12 curricular areas. Access using GHAEA OneClick.

Digital Learning Toolbox: Click here to access our digital learning toolbox! Full of digital tools to use in your classroom, complete with quick overviews and implementation ideas!

Youtube Playlist: Click here to find our digital learning playlist! How-to's, exciting new features, and tutorial videos at your fingertips!

Digital Learning Social Media: Find us on social media for even more resources! We share ideas in real time!