The Creston Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Red Oak Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Missouri Valley Office will have a two-hour late start on Tuesday, January 21st, due to extreme temperatures.

The Early Childhood PBIS course in Avoca on Tuesday, January 21st has been canceled.

The Osceola office will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st due to extreme temperatures.

The Council Bluffs Office will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st due to extreme temperatures.

Standards for Service

Iowa's AEAs provide many programs and services for children, families, schools, and communities, all of which fall under the state-required standards for service. All of Iowa’s AEAs adhere to these standards for service and are evaluated to ensure quality by the Iowa Department of Education on a regular cycle. Standards developed shall include, but are not limited to, the following:


Standards for Service

  1. Support for school-community planning, including a means of assessing needs, developing collaborative relationships among community agencies, establishing shared direction, and implementing program plans and reporting progress toward goals for all students, including students with disabilities. 
  2. Evidence-based professional development programs that respond to current needs. 
  3. Support for curriculum development, instruction, and assessment services that address the areas of reading, language arts, math, and science, using research-based methodologies, for all students, including students with disabilities. 
  4. Special education support. 
  5. Management services, including financial reporting and purchasing, as requested and funded by local districts. 
  6. Support for instructional media services that supplement and support local district media centers and services. 
  7. Support for school technology planning and staff development for implementing instructional technologies. 
  8. A program and services evaluation and reporting system that includes information related to special education. 
  9. Support for school district libraries in accordance with section 273.2, subsection 4. 
  10. Support for early childhood service coordination for families and children, age birth through three years, to meet health, safety, and learning needs, including service coordination.
  11. Timely submission of required reports and documents to the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and the Division of Special Education of the Department of Education. 
  12. Support for schools and school districts in analyzing student achievement data related to the learning environment, comparing data to the external knowledge base, and using that information to guide schools and school districts in setting goals and implementing actions to improve student learning for all students, including students with disabilities. 
  13. Support for addressing the diverse learning needs of all children and youths, including children and youths who are eligible for special education through services that include direct services to students with disabilities. 
  14. Support for schools and school districts to ensure compliance with rules adopted by the State Board of Education related to special education. 
  15. Support necessary to implement effective instruction for all students, including students with disabilities, through school technology services. 
  16. Support for students using educational programs and services in a manner that is consistent with the educational standards established pursuant to section 256.11. 
  17. Support for staff development and adult learners utilizing evidence-based professional development in a manner that meets the professional needs of staff and adult learners consistent with standards adopted by the State Board of Education. 
  18. Compliance with all relevant federal and state laws in the provision of services and supports to students with disabilities.